In this article, I will explain in detail the translation of the English word “dance” that appeared in Deamon Slayer episode 19 of season 1.
In this story, Japanese words that have several different meanings are all translated as “dance”.
In Japanese, each word and meaning is different.
First “dance”
Demon Slayer Season 1 Episode 19
Hinokami (ヒノカミ)
In Japanese, it is “お父さんの神楽よ。”
“神楽” is translated as “kagura dance”.
“神” means god, and “楽” means to entertain.
“神楽”(kagura) is a song and dance offered to the gods in a Shinto rituals.
The point is the word “kagura” includes the meaning of “dance”. (to be exact, it is not a “dance”, but a “舞”(mai).)
“Kagura dance” duplicates the meaning, and “kagura(神楽)” is not the same as “dance” in the common sense.
This is how Japanese people feel when they hear the word “kagura(神楽)”.
Second “dance”
Demon Slayer Season 1 Episode 19
Hinokami (ヒノカミ)
In Japanese, it is “父さんは体が弱いのに、どうしてあんな雪の中で、長い間舞を舞えるの?”
“舞を舞える” is translated as “dance”.
The word “舞”(mai) has several meanings, but in this case it refers to dancing in Kagura(“神楽”), one of the Shinto rituals.
Third “dance”
Demon Slayer Season 1 Episode 19
Hinokami (ヒノカミ)
In Japanese, it is “円舞”(enbu).
This is the name of a technique in Hinokami Kagura.
This English translation does not convey the meaning of the Japanese at all.
I can’t go into details right now because it would spoil the story, but you will never understand the meaning of “Hinokami kagura”(ヒノカミ神楽) if you translate it as “Dance”.
Let me explain a little.
“円” means circle and “舞”, I wrote above.
As you can see, this sword technique is based on circular motion.
In addition, the “円” has another meaning related to “Hinokami kagura”(ヒノカミ神楽), but I can’t write about it now because it would spoil the story.
(More to the point, the use of katakana in the word “ヒノカミ” is also significant.)